Embarking on a bariatric surgery journey is a significant step toward achieving a healthier life. At The Bariatric Experts, we are committed to guiding you through every stage of the process. Our dedicated team serves patients from Frisco, DFW, Abilene, other areas across Texas, and across the country.  At The Bariatric Experts, you become our patient for life and we will support you from your initial consultation to your yearly follow-up visits. Here’s a detailed timeline to help you understand what to expect.

Initial Consultation

For All Patients:

  • Meet with Your Surgeon, Registered Dietitian, and Financial Specialist: Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where you’ll meet with your surgeon, registered dietitian, and financial specialist. The team will discuss your medical history, weight loss goals, and review financial aspects of your surgery.
  • Receive The Bariatric Experts Patient Manual: You will receive a copy of the patient manual written by your surgeon. It is a comprehensive overview of everything a bariatric surgery patient needs to know before and after surgery. We believe your education and preparation is a key to long-term success.
initial consultation with expert surgical doctor

Pre-Testing and Clearances

For Patients Using Insurance:

  • Diet Visits for Insurance (if applicable): Many insurance plans require a series of supervised diet visits. During these visits, your dietitian will help you adopt healthier eating habits and document your progress.
  • Other Requirements (if applicable): Insurance may require additional information/clearances before approval. Your patient advocate will personally work with you to complete all necessary requirements.

For All Patients:

  • Complete Pre-Testing (required on an individual basis): Necessary pre-surgery tests will be scheduled based on your individual medical history. Your patient advocate will assist you in completing these tests and obtaining the necessary medical clearances.
expert surgical staff team

Insurance Submission (If Applicable)

For Patients Using Insurance:

Submit Case to Insurance: Once all prerequisites are met, your case will be submitted to your insurance provider for approval. This step is crucial for securing coverage for your surgery.


For Self-Pay Patients:

Proceed to Scheduling: Without the need for insurance approval, you can proceed directly to scheduling your surgery once pre-testing and clearances are completed.

happy plus size couple using laptop to check insurance coverage

Preoperative Preparation

For All Patients:

  • Final Medication Review: Your medical team will review your medications and make any necessary adjustments before surgery.
  • Pre-Op Liquid Diet (1 Week Before Surgery): You’ll begin a pre-op liquid diet one week before your surgery.
  • Pre-Op Education Class: Attend a mandatory pre-op education class where you’ll review dietary information, receive medication and discharge information, meet other patients having surgery at the same time, learn what to expect during recovery, and receive advice on how to make the most of your new lifestyle.
doctor paige

Surgery Day

For All Patients:

  • Surgery Day: This marks the beginning of your new life. Our highly skilled, experienced surgical team will perform the bariatric procedure, setting you on the path to significant weight loss and improved health.
overweight woman drinking water

Post-Operative Follow-Ups

For All Patients:

  • Week After Follow-Up Video Visit: The week after surgery, you’ll have a follow-up video visit to monitor your initial recovery and address any concerns.
  • 6 Week Phone Call: Your dietitian will call to check-in on you, answer any questions you have, and ensure you are confident in your new lifestyle.
  • 3 Month Follow-Up (with labs): At three months post-surgery, you’ll have an in-person follow-up appointment, including lab tests to assess your progress.
  • 6 Month Follow-Up (with labs): Another follow-up at six months will help ensure you’re on track with your weight loss and overall health.
  • 1 Year Follow-Up (with labs): Your one-year follow-up will include lab tests to evaluate your long-term progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.
  • Yearly Follow-Up Visits (with labs): Annual follow-up visits will continue to monitor your health and weight loss journey, ensuring you maintain your results and overall well-being.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or are ready to start your journey toward a healthier life, contact The Bariatric Experts. Our dedicated team serves patients from Frisco, DFW, Abilene, other areas across Texas, and across the country. Whether you use insurance or choose to self-pay, we are here to support you every step of the way! Schedule your consultation today and take the first step toward a brighter, healthier future.

Request a consultation to get started!

Dr. Scott Stowers has either authored or reviewed the content on this site.

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