How Being Middle Aged Affects Weight Control
Reaching middle age comes with myriad physical and mental changes — one of which is weight gain. It’s no news that the older we get, the harder it becomes to lose weight and the easier it becomes to pack on the pounds.At The Bariatric Experts, Dr. Scott Stowers and Dr. Curtis Peery and our team are experts in the field […]
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Where Do I Fit on the BMI Scale?
Did you know that two people can weigh the same but have entirely different body types, sizes, and heights? The number on the scale doesn’t always tell the story. That’s why it’s important to know your body mass index (BMI).At The Bariatric Experts, in Frisco, Abilene, Texas, Dr. Scott Stowers and our team have the expertise to […]
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My Diet Is Not Working
Dieting is popular. About one-third of the population is on a diet at any given time. It can be especially frustrating to try so hard, only to lose a little bit of weight and then gain it back and maybe even more.If you’re one of the many who isn’t having success with your diet, we can give […]
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5 Reasons to Consider Weight Loss Surgery
Do you have a lot of weight to lose but don’t know where to start? We understand. Dr. Scott Stowers leads our team at The Bariatric Experts, providing weight loss surgeries to help you achieve your goals.When you come in to meet with our team, we evaluate your health, weight, and goals to determine if you’re a candidate […]
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Why Is Fiber Important for Weight Control?
Losing as little as 5% of your body weight can make a big difference in your body, improving health problems and helping you feel better, too.At The Bariatric Experts in Frisco, and Abilene, Texas, Dr. Scott Stowers leads our expert team in weight loss and weight control. We offer comprehensive weight loss programs, focusing on educating you on the most […]
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